Cloud Migration Blog - RiverMeadow

Cloud Computing – The Top 5 Reasons for Small to Medium Sized Businesses to Drop the Skepticism and Adopt it Already

Written by Scott Colgan | Aug 13, 2012 10:34:00 PM

Did you know that 50% of all small to medium sized businesses (SMBs) will fail within the first five years? With a failure rate that is so high and an economy that is still recovering, it is imperative for SMB owners to adopt technologies and resources that will set their businesses up for the highest level of operating efficiency.

While there has been some skepticism about cloud computing, there are many reasons why SMB owners should drop the skepticism and adopt the cloud already.

Here’s just a few:

Cost Perfection: With the Cloud you only pay for what you use. It grows and shrinks with your computing needs. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) becomes a non-issue. The cost associated with cloud onboarding can be very affordable with products like enCloud from RiverMeadow Software available to automate the migration effort from start to finish. Plus, since these types of solutions are SaaS based, as an SMB you don’t have to buy or install anything. It’s all done for you on a per server cost basis.

Productivity Prevails: With adoption of the cloud comes the adoption of a whole new standard of work. Employees can perform essential duties from anywhere in the office (or world for that matter) and because of that they’re able to work more efficiently, productivity has the potential to skyrocket.

Hybrid for Security: If you’re worried about security then implement a hybrid cloud strategy. A hybrid cloud will allow you to store and run non-sensitive workloads in public cloud instances while sensitive workloads can live in a secure private cloud. Leveraging a software service like enCloud will give you the agility to orchestrate and federate workloads between public and private clouds easily and cost effectively.

Information When You Want It: Smartphones, tablets and laptops have transformed business into a pervasive element of life. Collectively they have broken down the walls of the physical office and empowered us to move freely about the world as productive workers. The Cloud is having the same effect on the data and applications we access from these devices. Virtualize it in the cloud and get it when you need it, regardless of where you are and what you’re using to access it. The line that once separated work, life and information has simply disappeared.

It Scales to Exactly Your Needs: The cloud is boundless. It knows no capacity. Utilization is measured by your exact needs at a given point in time. You pay for only what you use, nothing more, nothing less. As soon as you make the decision to adopt the cloud, products like the enCloud service will automatically right size your physical and virtual server volumes during the migration process. A cloud solution for your SMB can minimize (in some cases eliminate) the headaches and costs associated many aspects of IT operations and resources. IT becomes automated and efficient.

These are merely just a handful of the endless possibilities the Cloud has to offer an SMB. Making the decision to adopt the cloud platform is the first step. Once you’ve designed a cloud computing strategy tailored to your needs, you’ll want make the onboarding effort easy and cost efficient with an automated server migration solution like RiverMeadow enCloud. See you in the Cloud!