10 Key Facts why Free Tools are more expensive

Using "FREE" Cloud Migration Tools may be more expensive than you think...

So you’re planning a move out of your Data Center to a Public or Private Cloud and you’re wondering about the “How?" and the "What?". How do you quickly and cost effectively go from on-prem to your chosen cloud and What can you move? In order to effectively address the How and the What you need partners with depth and breadth of Service capability and market leading technology to drive you to a successful outcome. Only with the support of the right partner will you successfully address the numerous use cases required to transition to a Public and/or Private Cloud at speed and scale.

As you start to evaluate the tools available for migrating to the cloud, you’ll find that some hyperscale cloud providers have “FREE” tools as part of their offerings. These tools are often limited in use case support and do not offer the capability and flexibility that is required for large scale mass migration projects.

Some things to consider when evaluating the cost of using "FREE" tools:


Ease of Use

Most “FREE” tools have complex setup requirements, additional storage needs and require agent installation. It can often take a significant amount of time and effort to get these tools up and working properly. As an agentless solution that offers both a SaaS deployment or a Private Pop deployment, RiverMeadow’s market leading Cloud Migration Platform has proven to be faster to set up and deploy than any other cloud migration product in the market. Customers and partners often cite ease of use and deployment as one of the many reasons why they choose RiverMeadow over “FREE” tools.


Multi-Cloud: One Tool to Service All Your Needs

“FREE” tools are used to support a single and specific cloud environment, but what if you are migrating to multiple clouds or you have a multi-cloud practice? RiverMeadow offers the only ‘pure play' Multi-Cloud Migration Platform in the market today. Standardizing and training on our Platform will save you considerable time and money, both in the short and longer term.


24/7 Support - Who You Gonna Call?

Another important consideration is Platform Support. It's a well-known fact that most migration projects require migrations to be performed and completed after business hours or on the weekends. With “FREE” tools, if you run into a problem there simply is no one to call and looking through Wikipages or online forums could likely put your projects at risk. RiverMeadow offers 24x7 support to make sure your cloud migration projects stay on track.

“The support from RiverMeadow was exceptional. Approachable and skilled, their specific cloud migration expertise combined with a willingness to go that extra mile meant I could focus much more on my job and oversee the project with complete confidence.” (Anthony Joyes, Hosting Strategy Manager, Cambridge University Press)


Modernize As You Migrate

“FREE” tools are 'Lift and Shift' tools. The 'Lift and Shift' approach allows you to clone the workload 'as-is' and migrate it to a specific cloud. With RiverMeadow you have the unique ability to incrementally modernize as you move – an approach which we call ‘Lift and Modernize'. Whether you want to upgrade your OS to retire technical debt, resize disks to optimize storage usage or go from SQL Server to Azure SQL (Iaas to PaaS) to take advantage of native services, we can help.


Workload Flexibility

You need to consider if a “FREE” tool can address all required use cases; physical, virtual, cloud to cloud, Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, SLES or Oracle Linux. Most “FREE” tools lack the applicable coverage and most have issues with physical servers. RiverMeadow handles all requirements and in all clouds as part of its standard offering so you can be sure that all of your migration needs will be met.


Migration Volume Matters

Successful large-scale migration projects require more than migration. They require tight and integrated project management, reporting and monitoring, discovery capability and a highly flexible migration capability. These are the essential pillars to migration volume. Most

“FREE” tools are missing these essential, integrated components. RiverMeadow provides them all in an integrated Multi-Cloud Migration Platform. “RiverMeadow enabled complex applications to be migrated at tremendous velocity and with a huge amount of surety" (Anthony Joyes, Hosting Strategy Manager, Cambridge University Press)


Highest Success Rates

It is a well-known fact that most migration failures happen at the 11th hour causing you to have to start over or miss deadlines. RiverMeadow’s PreFlight validation automation capability checks 150+ parameters on every workload, either to warn you or block you in advance of any obstacles, or simply to tell you to proceed.

“The ability of RiverMeadow’s PreFlight capability enabled us to predict ahead of time the likely outcome of a migration which not only helped to significantly speed up the entire process, it also helped guarantee a successful result.” (James Duncan, Cloud Solutions Architect at Nimbus, working with the UK Government Department of Education)


Easiest Access Requirements

As mentioned earlier, most “FREE” tools are agent-based and most require hypervisor access. This can be a tough sell, especially in shared environments. If you are migrating from hosted environments, hypervisor access may not be available. RiverMeadow does NOT require hypervisor access, meaning that you won’t face any technical limitations when you’re carrying out your cloud migration activities.


Hot, Warm & Cold Migration Capability

Customers require a Platform that can provide flexibility in terms of “how” you migrate to meet their specific business needs and requirements. It’s not uncommon to see certain environments requiring minimal to no downtime (mission critical apps), while others can afford extended down time (dev /test). In recognition of this requirement, RiverMeadow addresses the “how” with it's unique Hot, Warm and Cold migration capabilities in order to best suit your needs.


One Multi-Cloud Platform For All Your Needs

RiverMeadow offers advanced use case functionality which is well beyond the basic capability of "FREE" tools. It is the only product in the market that offers advanced migration capability under one Multi-Cloud Platform. Advanced use case capability includes the ability to automatically migrate: Oracle RAC, Domain controllers, OS Upgrades, VDI migrations and migration to Azure Files to name but a few examples.

One Multi-Cloud Platform For All Your Needs

RiverMeadow has developed a complete suite of services and proprietary product capabilities to help customers transition faster and more cost effectively than any other service provider in the market. What sets us apart is the breadth, depth, flexibility and ease of use of our Multi-Cloud Migration Platform that offers Project Management and Reporting, Discovery and Assessment and highly flexible Migration capability. Simply put, we enable customers and partners to Lift and Modernize to the cloud faster than anyone else.

Get in Touch!

Our methodology is proven and tested over hundreds of successful migration projects with many leading global brands, resellers, and service providers. Our business model, processes and methodology are based on success based pricing and entitlements. If you are looking for a one-stop-shop partner to deliver outstanding results from your cloud transformation in hours and days, not weeks and months, talk to our Cloud Migration Experts today.

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