RiverMeadow Blog

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Does Your Cloud Migration Tool Have The Flexibility You Need?

Before you sign up for ‘free’ migration tools from your Cloud Service Provider, consider carefully if they’ll offer you the flexibility and use case...

Lift and Optimize: Transform as you Migrate

“Lift and Shift” has proven a worthy approach for many companies who are looking for a fast, low risk way to move their workloads to the cloud. But...

The Hidden Cost and Risks of Shadow IT in a Cloud-Enabled World

The adoption of Cloud computing is skyrocketing. According to a Gartner press release, by 2020 a `no-cloud` policy will be as rare as a 'no internet'...

A Migration Tool For A Cloud Migration Problem

Cloud computing has experienced tremendous growth within the past few years, and cloud technology adoption continues to grow at a rapid pace....