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Windows Server 2012 End-of-Support - You could save $10's of millions of dollars in Microsoft ESU fees!

RiverMeadow is currently working with a Fortune 50 Financial Services Company to help them retire technical debt and save them from the potential...

A Better way to Migrate onto Azure - RiverMeadow vs Azure Migrate

When it comes to large-scale Cloud Migration projects, use case addressability becomes paramount. The diversity of use cases, the variety of sources,...

Migrating to Public Cloud by OS or VM? - Why Having the Choice Matters

When you’re planning a move to public cloud, you’ll need to consider whether to migrate your workloads by VM (virtual machine) or by OS (Operating...

Facing a Hostile Migration? Escape Managed Service Provider Vendor Lock-in with RiverMeadow!

Do you need to Exit a Managed Services Provider, and they're not 'Playing Ball' and not giving you the required access permissions? We call this a...

Does Your Cloud Migration Tool Have The Flexibility You Need?

Before you sign up for ‘free’ migration tools from your Cloud Service Provider, consider carefully if they’ll offer you the flexibility and use case...

Automated OS Upgrade or In-Place OS Upgrade: What's the Difference?

Are you upgrading to current Operating Systems? Read our blog on the difference between a manual in-place approach and an automated approach and find...

Anatomy of a Data Center Migration: What’s Really Going On?

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach for moving applications to – or between - Public or Private clouds. But there are acknowledged core migration...

What is a ‘Hostile' Cloud Migration?

Are you exiting a third party data center or colocation facility and experiencing a lack of cooperation from your current service providers? In which...


Mitel: A Global Market Leader in Business Communications Industry: Telecommunications Location: Canada Mitel migrates 1,000 VMware workloads to...
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